Welcome to Today’s Capsules. Two weeks back, we started looking at the second category; those who have discovered their talent but are too scared to take the bold step because of the fear if the unknown. Last week, I dwelt on failing forward. Today we are going to be looking at risk taking.


May I remind you that successful people are risk takers! In fact, the measure of risk you are willing to take will determine the measure of your success in life! This is so profound and so true! Successful people, most of them if not all, are mad risk takers and let me clear this, alot of times they get burnt but then again when they succeed, their success stories are told for generations. If you are not willing to take a risk with your talent, it’s high time you started asking yourself if you truly desire success at all….

I need you to understand that success is never an accidental act. It is a consciously and intentional move that takes you through the crucibles of life but brings you to a glorious spot in the end. Think about it a second, you don’t need to do anything to grow weed, it just grows, but to grow a plant? Oh, there’s so much work to be done. You need to plant, water, weed, ridge, fertilize and protect plant from predators, so as to have a bountiful harvest.
Understand that SUCCESS HAS A PRICE! True success, has never and will never come on a platter of gold! Allowing fear stop, by being unable to take risks is a sad way of resigning to defeat even before a fight .
Quit the fear and begin to take risks! Take your bull by its horns, get out there and begin to work out your talent. It’s your gold in its raw form! It’s your key to greatness. It’s your voice to your generation! Get out there, take a risk with your talent, If you win, you have gained something. If you loose, you have learnt something. Any of both ways, it’s a win-win! No losses at all.


Let’s begin to look at two major kinds of risks. There are two categories of risks. We have major risks and calculated risks. Lets start with the firmer. Major risks is when you plunge all out at that talent of yours regardless of the consequences. I will dwell extensively on major risks in next week’s capsules.


Punch line: F.E.A.R, Face Everything And Rise!